How to Become an Election Officer
An Election Officer is a very important person who works at the polling location on Election Day. Their number one priority is to ensure that voting is conducted in a fair and orderly manner. This is a paid position.
If you are interested in becoming an Election Officer you must fill out the Election Officer Application Form online before each and every election. If you don’t have access to a computer, you may stop by our office Office and fill one out in person. Annually, Election Officers that have previously served will receive reminder letters to work the upcoming election. These letters also contain information about the mandatory Election School, dates, and times.
Job Description:
- Arrive at your polling place at 5:30am to ensure that you will be able to have the polls open at 6:00am.
- Be familiar with the election laws governing election day in the polling place.
- Monitor machines, compare number of votes cast with beginning tally, and fill out paperwork accordingly.
- Ensure that only qualified voters enter the voting machine to cast their ballot.
- Ensure that the election is conducted in the most fair and honest manner possible.
- Throughout the day, check the voting booth for electioneering materials (flyers/hats/pens).
- Enforce election laws and maintain law and order at the polls within 100 feet of the entrance to the polling location.
- Sign paperwork and post results at the polling place.
- Call your County Board of Elections or County Clerk if a voting machine malfunctions.
- Be courteous and helpful to voters.
- Clean up your voting area before leaving the location.
It is mandatory that you attend a 2-3 hour long training class before each election to serve as an Election Officer.
We do not guarantee any polling location, precinct, or position. Once you have taken the oath of office you must be willing to serve where you are placed. We will make every effort to place you in a vacancy closest to your home.
Please read the requirements below to see if you qualify:
- An Election Officer must be a qualified Democrat or Republican voter in the precinct in which he/she serves unless appointed as an alternate. An alternate must be a registered voter in the county. Registered 17 year olds may serve in the Primary Election if they will be 18 years old on or before the day of the General Election
- An Election Officer cannot have changed party affiliation for one year prior to appointment KRS 117.45 (9)
- An Election Officer must be able to read and write in English
- An Election Officer must attend training sessions required by the Rowan County Board of Elections before each Primary or General Election
- An Election Officer cannot be a candidate for office during the election year
- An Election Officer cannot be the spouse, parent, brother, sister or child of a candidate who is to be voted for at the election in the precinct in which the election officer will serve on Election Day
- An Election Officer must be able to work from 5:15 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. or until the polls close, to stand for long periods of time and lift up to 25 pounds.
- An Election Officer must have transportation to election training to the precinct on Election Day.

The State Board of Elections Full 2024 Primary PEO Guide.pdf contains a detailed explanation of a Precinct Election Officer’s duties on election day.
By submitting the following form you are confirming that you’ve read and will comply with the above Election Officer Placement Guidelines and Requirements.