Other Services
Update Title
Changing a Name on a Title
Customers wishing to change their name as it appears on their title (most common use is when a customer changes from a maiden name to a married name) will need:
-Your Kentucky Title
-Official/legal documentation of the name change (marriage license, divorce decree, etc.)
-Government-issued picture identification
Fees Required:
$6.00 to update a title already notarized
$8.00 if the County Clerk’s Office needs to notarize
Replacement Title
How do I get a replacement title?
Complete the Application for title/registration (TC96-182) in the following sections:
-Vehicle Identification Section, including odometer reading and/or appropriate boxes checked
-Affidavit for Replacement Section, give current title number and check reason for updating/correcting the current title
-Owner-Buyer Section, name of current owner(s), address, and Social Security Number. Check the appropriate boxes for the lien information. Owner’s signature and notary section are required.
-The application must be signed by the registered owner or an individual possessing Power of Attorney for the owner. A copy of the Power of Attorney must be submitted with the Application for Title. The signature on all forms must be notarized or the application cannot be accepted.
Completed application and filing fee must be returned to the Madison County Clerk’s Office for processing.
The title will be mailed to the owner, from the Transportation Cabinet, within 2-3 business days of application if there is no pending lien.
-$6.00 for notarized application
-$8.00 for Deputy Clerk to witness and notarize the signature (ID is required)
Junk Title
What is needed to junk a Kentucky Title?
-current Kentucky Certificate of Title
–license plate that corresponds with the title being junked
-if the title shows and active lien, a lien release (TC96-187) must be provided to the Clerk’s Office in the County where the lien was filed before your title can be junked
-any property taxes due on the vehicle must be collected before a Kentucky title can be junked
If you want to contest the taxes due at the time of tuning the title into the state you will need to contact:
Tax Commissioner’s Office
Courthouse Annex Building
Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m to 4:30 p.m.
If no property taxes are due and the title and license plate are present the cost to junk the title is $1.00.