Mobile Homes
What's Needed to Transfer Ownership of a Mobile Home?
- Kentucky Certificate of Title, clear of all liens, with assignment portion properly completed by the buyer and the seller
- Application for title/registration (TC 96-182) may be required
- Social Security numbers for each party appearing on the title or Federal ID number for companies
- If the Mobile Home has been moved, a State Fire marshal inspection is required.
Mobile homes are often transferred in the same manner as vehicles except proof of insurance is not required.
To contact the State Fire Marshal, visit their website
Mobile Home Conversion to Real Estate...
Mobile Homes permanently attached to real estate may now be converted to real estate. Once the Mobile Home has been converted, the title is surrendered and can not be re-issued.
The Kentucky Certificate of Title (clear of all liens) must be surrendered to the County Clerk and junked for $1.00. An affidavit of Conversion to Real Estate along with a copy of Certificate of Title is filed in the Deed Room of the County Clerk’s Office for a $15.00 recording fee.
When does a "used" manufactured/mobile home need to be inspected?
Unless the home was being used as a residence and sitting at the same location prior to July 13, 2004, and is not being moved from that location, all previously owned manufactured/mobile homes are to be inspected by this office or a “certified retailer” prior to the purchaser being able to get the home titled into their names or the utilities energized (KRS 227 .605). The inspection consists of the inspection of all visible wiring, wall switches and plates for proper installation, required locations of smoke detectors (there must be a minimum of one between the cooking area and all sleeping areas prior to 2006-after2006 there must be one in each sleeping area and one in the main section of the home integrally connected to each other), an inspection of the furnace, and inspection of the gas lines ( if applicable), the operability of the front and bank doors, and the general overall integrity of the unit-no weak spots or holes in the floor, leaks in the roof, broken windows, etc.
Inspection fee from the office: $100.00
Inspection fee from certified retailers: (varies from retailer to retailer)